GCU series of dynamic electronic railway track scale is a factory assembled modular. all steel compartment structure high performance full electronic weighing apparatus for in electne power. chemical industry.metallurgy. railway. port and other large industrial and mining enterprIses in railway goods vehicles not off tHe hook and continuous measurement Weighing With accurate measurement, automatic display, aUtOmatIC recording weight weighing results. provide automatic control and effective management for loading metering bulk matenalsThe product uses large capacity high-precision weighing sensor and performance excellence bailing special weighing display controller instrument channell, with characteristics of high accuracy, good longterm stability, complete functions. etc, entire system installation is simple, rapid, simple and convenient operation and maintenance On weighing results, provide automatic control and effective management for loading metering bulk materiaIsThe product is divided into static analog electronic track scale and static digital electronictrack scale.
GCU series of dynamic electronic track scale is mainly composed of bearing platform, bearing rail and bridge type weighing sensor,excessive mechanism and a limit mechanism and a special dynamic track weighing instrument channel and base composition.
1, weighing range: Seaion weight 100t-200t;
2, measuring speed: 5-15knVh; not measured, said the station allows the speed of 25km/h
3, measurement methods: dynamic wIithout hook. the bogie measurement;
4, accuracy grade: 02,05 level